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Renewables are the solution to Malaysia’s sustainable future and renewed climate ambition

Posted 9th March 2023

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New report confirms Malaysia’s ability to meet its net zero goal with increased use of local and affordable renewables. According to the report’s findings, transitioning to renewable energy will save Malaysia between USD 9 billion and USD 13 billion annually by 2050 in avoided energy, climate, and health costs. 

Developed by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) in collaboration with the Ministry of Natural Resources, Environment and Climate Change (NRECC), Malaysia, the report shows that by aligning its low-emission development strategies with IRENA’s 1.5?C Scenario, the Southeast Asian country can increase its share of renewables to over half its final energy mix by 2050, up from just 5% today. 

With its renewed pledge to be carbon neutral by 2050 and expected increase in energy demand due to almost a tripling size of its economy in the same period, Malaysia needs to decide between continuing with fossil fuels or tapping into its significant potential of renewable energy sources. Launched in an official ceremony organised by NRECC in Kuala Lumpur today, the Malaysia Energy Transition Outlook offers a long-term energy pathway to a cleaner and more sustainable energy system. 

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